1328.   After the Hell
| Sisestas: Cristjan |
väga hea laul ise tegin

              Music Story..

I am a musician.
My neighbor has auditioned
Life is good
Life is good
I auditioned ojaa
Because something is happening to me what you wanted to say
ss.And I said that this is true.
I did not ever download.
When I got twelve,
I could not think of it.
I think that this is the end,
but the beginning of the ordinance begins.
Walk in the devil,
I will pay the money lumberjacks.
Fuck you,
i love you to.
When I look in your eyes,
I see that you are not ugly at all.
Both the good feeling it leaves in the morning, when Martin goes to work, and before he leaves the room, and to be loved and gives me errors and says that he loves me.
I olvredy open the floor,
open the floor .
After it has been so good to fall asleep. Although lately I've driven myself up well to start learning. Today was the psychology of accounting, the subject, I feel very, very suspicious. Let's just say that I would be very happy if I could carry. After a record filled in. Kersti külalisüliõpilase the petition and took steps towards tut. It turned out, however, that can only be declared after 31 January. Sucks. Vain gear. But okay, we agreed to go another time. Today we go to Pärnu, mother of Martin's birthday. Tomorrow we'll come back already, because in my closet would probably arrive tomorrow. In short, we are here in this situation is that both of our clothes do not fit in the closet and I orgunnisin his cabinet here. Who is occupying all of my clothes in bags, already looking forward to Saturday, to be able to unpack bags and clothes that would be a decent overview. Perhaps then it can be concluded that, because now i have 100% capital of the girl. Yesterday I started to look peikat Miale, because the plan is to do it soon and then make tited tsikibriki that he no longer running time should not be, because it is awful how he kräunub at this time. When I went to Denmark, he started to rut, arrived in Estonia, it was over, but some time ago started to run, and so far we go again!
I´s my action,
You take to racatkation.
I'm a rat,
I'm out of tree layer in every hole.
Mom put my pants skin.
But if kõuab winter
Then I am a cat.
Today, I live abroad,
But tomorrow, at the end of the smoke.
If I need to visit Akon,
the sexy woman in front of my house.

rott100@hot.ee & mu msn kriss966@live.com
